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Nulla vehicula fermentum nulla, a lobortis nisl vestibulum vel. Phasellus eget velit at.

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About Us

  • Who We Are
  • Why Choose Us?

Emileen Logistics

Emileen logistics was established in 2015 to import and market decorative building materials. The main aim of EL is to supply the best quality and affordable construction materials to our clients or customers. We aim at giving our clients full satisfaction at all times.

We also supply a wide range of building materials to customers such as construction companies, individual home owners, retail shops etc.

Emileen Logistics also does installation and all kinds of painting works.

Our Mission

To progressively source and supply good quality materials at the most competitive prices.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the supplier of choice for all construction logistics to all clients at various levels of the construction industry and private developers

Why Choose Us

Trusted and proven processes Competitive pricing and cost Top quality personnel Integrity of leadership Value Creation

Creating a maintained, efficient working environment is usually one of the largest overheads facing a company.Responsibility for funding, planning, design and fit out – followed by the on-going support and servicing of the space – is costly and usually represents the largest financial expenditure after payroll.

At Emileen Logistics, our aim is to provide you with a facilities management service to improve the daily running of your workplace and to reflect the image you want to create.

We have highly trained staff who are ready to assist you anytime.We also have the best equipments to undertake any project while adhering to strict safety and environmental standards.

Our patients

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Nunc urna tellus, sollicitudin non sollicitudin quis, elementum ac eros. Maecenas lobortis risus nec mauris mattis, et venenatis felis pharetra. Nulla facilisi. In odio nisl, semper sagittis interdum at, facilisis quis massa. Ut in mi eu lacus lacinia vehicula quis nec justo. Nam sed pulvinar ante.

John Doe, 2016

Morbi interdum aliquet nulla id efficitur. Mauris imperdiet scelerisque porttitor. Duis dapibus tortor ac nulla vehicula accumsan. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis placerat imperdiet sagittis.

Tom Smith, 2016

Aliquam ornare eleifend massa, non consectetur est efficitur sed. Vivamus vel varius urna. Fusce mattis interdum erat at pulvinar. Ut sed egestas purus, a finibus lorem. Praesent elit elit, interdum a aliquam at, hendrerit ac sapien. Donec vitae orci id est varius efficitur a mattis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Susane Hanks, 2015

We would love to hear your opinion

unc nisi felis, malesuada ac sagittis sed, tempus nec odio. Vivamus ullamcorper pretium ipsum, id molestie elit dapibus vitae. Vestibulum ut odio id sem ultrices convallis vel id diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam mattis lacus id neque posuere, ac egestas mi volutpat. Maecenas augue ante, laoreet vitae elementum rhoncus, pharetra eget erat.

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